Roger and I initially crossed paths through SCORE, a business mentorship program, at our weekly meetings at coffee shops in Madison, Wisconsin. It was during these meetings that Roger imparted upon me the importance of adopting a big picture mindset. At first, I viewed this perspective as only a means to help my business thrive. However, as I reflect on the journey we've shared since our first encounter, I now see that it transcended business survival. It became a guiding principle for navigating life, fostering not just survival but also growth and genuine moments of happiness on our respective paths to recovery.
Nearly four years have passed since those coffee shop days, and I've been fortunate enough to cultivate a friendship with Roger that revolves around support, recovery, and a shared passion for nature and vitality. We both underwent career transitions and encountered substantial family and living changes along the way. Yet, amidst these challenges, we take solace in the knowledge that a friend is only a phone call away. Whenever I reach out to Roger, I can trust that I won't receive empty platitudes. Instead, he offers a compassionate reality check, drawing from his own experiences and offering insights into common pitfalls, setbacks, and illusions he himself has faced or continues to grapple with today.
Roger stands as one of the few individuals in my life whose words consistently emanate from a place of authenticity, shaped by personal encounters and driven by genuine care. It is an honor to call him my friend, for reasons beyond what can be easily articulated
~ TJ Schmidt, North River NY
Roger's personal vault of life experience is incomparable and has been especially valuable for me. Roger listens and responds with specific suggestions that are likely to work. Where others will softly ask you "so..have you ever tried something like....?", Roger will say "DO THIS". I have found that approach to be very helpful to me personally and professionally. Everyone likes to be heard, and Roger's a great listener, but then he comes through with concise, thoughtful, and effective action plans. Contact Roger when you're ready to really make some changes in your life.
~ Paul, Grand Junction, CO
While I’ve known Roger for a few years as a neighbor, it’s only recently that I’ve come to known him as a friend and close confidant. Through my wife’s cancer journey and after her death Roger has been an incredible source of support for me personally. He brings a perspective on life that’s unlike any other, with principles to live by that will help someone through the most challenging circumstances. His calming and non-judgmental approach makes it easy to share to share your struggles with, it’s great to have Roger in my corner!
~ Jim Ahearn, Cottage Grove, W
Roger went out of his way to help me. He let me know that I can overcome the obstacles I'm facing, much like he did. He certainly has a deep compassion and care for others. If I ever needed someone, he’d be there, even though he lives eight hours away. He has encouraged me to make the most of every day, to set goals daily, and to push forward in my struggles. He listens and offers advice, consistently and in a positive manner. He’s a super caring, smart and awesome guy! Roger has also helped me spiritually, in my search for what I believe. Mr. Bird has gone above and beyond to help me, as he has a great ability to help others. With his guidance I've come out of a tough situation and am taking steps towards who I really want to be. Thanks Roger!
~ Morgan Chase, Canton, Ohio
Having Roger in my corner has been invaluable on this journey! I've learned solid, versatile tools that help me stay grounded when life gets chaotic. Most importantly Roger is someone who will sit down and listen with an open heart, which is something that we all need, especially those of us in recovery.
~ Tyler Schmidt, Madison, WI
I have known Roger Bird for nearly 30 years and while we have been friends for that time, I had not known his life story and capacity to provide others with sound advice and strategies for dealing with the real difficulties in life. Our son who is now 25 years old has struggled with mental health and drug issues and had not made much progress in getting on the road to independence over the last 8 years. Through our normal course of discussions about life and how things were going during the Covid-19 pandemic, I divulged some of the details of this ongoing struggle to assist our son to Roger. Roger has been outstanding in providing us ideas and guidance on how we might best finally get headed in the right direction and get our son on the road to recovery with his mental health and drug issues. Roger offers no nonsense concepts and real life strategies, ideas that can be implemented and achieve both short term improvement and hope for long-term success. Roger has been a strong advocate for us in the journey to assist our son, and his love and commitment to our success in these matters is evident in our ongoing discourse. Most of all he offers honesty and love, supported by ideas and strategies that have worked for him and others in life’s more difficult and challenging times.
~ David & Birgitta Columbia, MD
I've had the pleasure of witnessing Roger in action on several different occasions, in several different contexts, and with several different types of communities. He has a unique ability to help others with his blend of lived experience, tough love that is grounded in incredible amounts of heart and compassion, and laser-focused tools and strategies. He doesn't just talk about how to change things; he helps others to create plans and actions to actually create change. Additionally, he has a huge heart and extremely high levels of responsibility and urgency - meaning that he will not only do what he says, but that he will go above and beyond for his clients. Roger's tools and approaches are an excellent match for anyone who is feeling stuck in any dimension or life, and/or anyone who wants to start to create some different results.
~ Sarah Young, Founder of Zing Collaborative and Raving Fan of the Cool$hit ToolKit
Birdman.... how can I possibly thank you my Brother? They say when the student is ready, the teacher will arrive. The blueprint that you've helped me incorporate into daily practice has been vitally INSTRUMENTAL towards re-discovering my voice and my passion for helping. This man gets it. He gives a shit. And it makes all the difference in the world. Thank you my friend.
~ Private
Facing a career and lifestyle change, I was unsure which way to go. I tried several directions and began to work myself into a less-than-ideal situation. Able to make a major reset…and needing one, I couldn’t exactly see the forest through the trees.
Roger helped me shake things up and see what of my priorities were most important right now. Always I am thinking of Roger, thankful for how much I love my new life. Thank you Roger for the support…and the push.
~ Peter Kotses, Athens Ohio