The Opposite of Addiction is Connection

Effectively overcoming the magnetism of drugs and alcohol is a life-long endeavor.

Including the brutal internal war of learning to cope with the world in new ways, reaching our utmost potential requires us to also battle the heavy burden of stigma.

Here is a brief journey up the ladder and out of addiction.


 Additionally, my developed daily routine includes the following review:

1.      Am I situated and working towards something important to me, something clearly documented?

2.      Am I at peace with how I spend my days, in alignment and content with the things I do and do not?

3.      I have never been right here before and never will again, what am I learning in this moment of now?

4.      Am I changing what I want to change?

5.      What if anything am I putting off and if so, why?

6.      I must do these things to live as my true self.

7.      I must own the story of my life and keep on course for a great ending.


Recovery: Moving Past the Worst of Ourselves (at least trying to)


Lies Between Us podcast, episode #28: Amid the Truth of Possibilities