Not Just Another Year
Facing east, 12-28-22, no filters.
Today, I stood to watch the sun rise upon this land
I may or may not be here thereafter to see one more single sun set
This morning, I again initiated my planned intentional purpose
I may or may not be here this afternoon to follow through
Last hour, I was sure to tell someone how much I love them
I may or may not be here next hour to ever say it again
This minute, I’ve already paused, breathed deep, and smirked graciously
I may or may not be around one more minute to reflect upon my thanks
This moment, I honor my journey, my friends, my scars…and the sun
I may or may not be around for more treasured awhile hard happenings
One day, the giving light will shine upon my face for the last time…alas I know not when or how such curtain will fall. Dare I wonder, dare I worry, fuck to the no, silly to squander such freedom. I have things to do…sunsets to watch, breaths to breathe, smiles to smile, hugs to hug and hugs to receive
One last day to watch the sunset
One last day to say I love you
One last day to remember your laugh
It’s a preciousness I won’t mis-spend
I realize the gift of life
I don’t want to burden myself
Not weighed with fear, worry, or doubt
I want to laugh and rest easy
I’m not throwing anything away
Nor do I want to miss something
If only I can ease within the now
Now is all that should consume me
I already have all the love I’ll ever need
I shouldn’t want or worry for anything else.