Tools to Help Us Live Our Best Lives
For everything happening along my path, I did it, I did all of it, or at least I let it happen…I got myself where I am, and only I can change it.
What holds us back from our best life?
Has the strength, courage, and willingness to shift the undesirable parts of your life escaped you? Are you working towards something meaningful, a lightforce pulling you, guiding you, motivating you…a positive power almost stronger than your will and ability to avoid it? Is such life purpose definitively documented, meaning is it written down? And just what is the one thing or three blocking you from living your best life anyway, starting today?
If parts of life feel out of control, or as such for someone close to you, please: stay a little longer. Here my ambition is one singular thing, to share, so to help…artlessly share what I have lived to learn handfirst. Examine my messages of hope alongside a few practical tools. Read my blog on this site. Listen to our Lies Between Us podcast. Watch the YouTube videos. Read my books. Dream how life could be different, if willing…if willing to face the things holding us back from a better life we might prefer.
We must show up for our own lives and in some cases, fight like hell to create positive change. No savior swooped down and carried me off, no miracle landed in my lap, I had to lift myself up, dust myself off, and keep going. When we are stuck - especially if we have been stuck for a while - let us try something new, working towards a different and better result.
Let us be willing to challenge the problematic parts inside, holding us back from the better days we wish to have again. Lastly, we must stand tall and strong to face reality, stare that shit down, organize our options, and try to regain some of our inner light, our power within, by way of our intention, actions, and commitment.
My hard-fought journey has produced a plethora of tools, implements that may assist you as-is, or we will modify them together, helping find a purposeful path forward.
The concept of possible change arises once we push past the notions that the world is bigger and stronger than us, that we are not worthy, and that the world is always going to defeat us. Hence, some of us are horrifically stuck, not understanding that we have any choice at all. Mostly we sit, immersed in the shallow but deadly drowning pool of our own little hell. Our self-blame and inner shame controls much of our feelings, thoughts, and behavior to the point we believe to have no operational influence whatsoever. I have lived to learn and know that these self-deflating notions are nothing but downright dirty lies.
Positive change is possible, it is possible…it is possible for us to have the life we desire, or at least shed some of the bullshit. We should try, we should try to stand eye-to-eye with our problems, and hopefully grow to see above. I know, I know, I know it’s hard, factually hard AF…I know, I have been there. For decades I squandered abottom my own emotional death pit…scared, self-harming, and hiding from the world. Truthfully life will always withhold challenges, but it does not have to be as hard as we make it. We can learn to see the sunshine, even when it is raining. Finding possibilities, I clawed my way out of that deep dark death pit and here I am. Here I am and here I will remain, sharing and helping you my sisters and brothers of the world, until the last breath has left my body. I am fighting for you, I believe in you, and I love you.
These tools can perhaps afford such chance, to see, to see a different life is possible…it is possible. Please try to imagine the possibility, however slight. If ready to do the work, moving closer to the life you want to have, I hope we can work on it together.
How To Get Started
No. 1
Read My book.
No. 2
Watch as many of My videos as you have time for.
No. 3
Tune into my My podcast and My blog.
No. 4
Buy Life Tools and choose the products that speak to you.
No. 5
Contact me me directly to discuss specifics and options.
I will be open and honest with you, even if it hurts. I may push harder than your willingness to endure- but I will be by your side during your journey, supporting you and what you are trying to achieve, or leave behind. This is my promise.
The Shit People Say About Me…
“Roger's personal vault of life experience is incomparable and has been especially valuable for me. Roger listens and responds with specific suggestions that are likely to work. Where others will softly ask you "so..have you ever tried something like....?", Roger will say "DO THIS". I have found that approach to be very helpful to me personally and professionally. Everyone likes to be heard, and Roger's a great listener, but then he comes through with concise, thoughtful, and effective action plans. Contact Roger when you're ready to really make some changes in your life.”
– Paul, Grand Junction, CO
“While I’ve known Roger for a few years as a neighbor, it’s only recently that I’ve come to known him as a friend and close confidant. Through my wife’s cancer journey and after her death Roger has been an incredible source of support for me personally. He brings a perspective on life that’s unlike any other, with principles to live by that will help someone through the most challenging circumstances. His calming and non-judgmental approach makes it easy to share to share your struggles with, it’s great to have Roger in my corner!”
– Jim Ahearn, Cottage Grove, WI
“Roger went out of his way to help me. He let me know that I can overcome the obstacles I'm facing, much like he did. He certainly has a deep compassion and care for others. If I ever needed someone, he’d be there, even though he lives eight hours away. He has encouraged me to make the most of every day, to set goals daily, and to push forward in my struggles. He listens and offers advice, consistently and in a positive manner. He’s a super caring, smart and awesome guy! Roger has also helped me spiritually, in my search for what I believe. Mr. Bird has gone above and beyond to help me, as he has a great ability to help others. With his guidance I've come out of a tough situation and am taking steps towards who I really want to be. Thanks Roger!”
– Morgan Chase, Canton, OH